Thursday, August 18, 2011

Aug. 18th- strip,strip, strip

Happy happy, Joy joy- still stripping paint.  Bought some Airplane strip Rustoleum at Auto Zone yesterday- not near as good as the blue stuff- takes many more coats.  Trying to work a couple hours in the morning while it's cool.  Finished at noon toady and 106 degrees- the trailer is too hot to even touch- the stripper dries in 5 minutes so have to work fast.  I'm about 3/4 of the way complete- hopefully monsoons are over in the next week or so- ready to have some fun for a change.

6:30pm- Finally a storm!  I was starting to think I was stalling on the outside for nothing.  Getting a good rain and wind storm- glad I left a few screws in the body and trim.  I hope to finish the outside by this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy...been there and done (several times )that and don't want to do it again! Sometimes I think all we are buying are the title and axles! We have our latest re-build on my blog if you go back a few posts...good luck!
