Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jan. 28- Holy Crap!

What a beautiful day.  My wife and I decided to make use of a warm Saturday and get busy.  We supported the right wall with cross bracing to keep it in tact, and went to town on the rest of the roof.  Got the top rails off and was able to salvage most of the curfed pieces for the edges.  I think I will replace the bottom plate on the right side, and re support the door frame with 2x4's, but the rest is good.  After all the walls were down, we got a good chance to examine the frame.  I have been told by several people that "if you're going to go this far, might as well go all the way"... so off came the floor.  Used a sawzall to cut the carriage bolts that connect the frame, and took my skill saw to cut out the floor boards.  I never did really like the sound "barrier" that was used, but there is little to no rust on the trailer frame itself, so I guess it served some function.  We are replacing the underlayment with marine board plywood, then pressure treated base plates, then 3/4" T & G plywood for the floor...then we can put the walls up.  My wife decided a "clean workspace is a happy workspace" so the pad is ready for phase 2.  All in all, I am happy with the decision to strip it down, and we pretty much have all the materials, so off we go.  Now for the fun part...putting it ALL back together, and making it fit.

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